18 year old Thomas Gaynor, winner of the 2009 ORGANZ Organ Performance Award from the 2009 Congress, achieved another major triumph as the recipient of the inaugural Maxwell Fernie Centenary Award. The presentation of the award was made by the Minister for the Arts, Hon. Chris Finlayson, himself a friend of Maxwell Fernie, at St Read more
Available now for preview and purchase through Amazon and iTunes The eighteen Tenebrae Responsories of Victoria from 1585 are among his most inspired settings of sacred texts. Sung by the influential Scholar Polyphonica Choir of New Zealand under the direction of Maxwell Fernie at St. Mary of the Angels, Wellington, the original recording was released on LP in 1982 to Read more
Peter Kitchin. The Dominion, 27 May 1999 St Mary’s renowned director of music Arnott Maxwell Fernie, organist: B Wellington, April 25, 1910; m (1) Meriel Hunn (diss) 1d, (2) Grete De Brabander 1d 3s; ed Marist Bros PS(Newtown), Wgtn Clg, Royal Acad Music (Lond); mil serv NZEF; chr mstr St Joseph’s (Wgtn), Aeolian Choir, Rosary Read more